Sunday, 7 June 2009

Female Vocalists II

Another Sunday, another post about girls crooning into their microphones, and I don't mean that in a bad way. No siree.

Recently, in an attempt to broaden my musical horizons, I've been listening to Natasha Khan (Bat For Lashes) and her passionate, mysterious music as I do my stuff about the house. It's great headphone music for when you're alone. I'm not going to lie - I did prefer the singer/songwriter's debut 'Fur and Gold' to her latest 'Two Suns', which was released earlier this year. To me, it seemed like Fur and Gold just seems more prominent, emotionwise, with tracks such as 'What's A Girl To Do' and 'Horse And I'. I trust you've heard these both as they are absolutely brilliant, as is the track below, which you may not have heard. Oh and just so you know, I still like her latest album, I just prefer the older stuff, but don't let me decide for you.

So, elsewhere, we have:
The latest single from quirky vintage lady Regina Spektot's upcoming album 'Far' (expected release on June 23). Somewhat warming - strange considering the lyrics. I guess it's satirical.

Chairlift - Planet Health
You might remember their playful single 'Bruises' from an iPod advert but in this one, singer Caroline Polachek hits us with dreamy vocals on this pretty tune.

Last but by no means least. I don't know much about Mirah - but what I do know is that this song is beautiful. Similar to Bat For Lashes, but in some ways better.

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